Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 2.4.13

| Posted in E-Newsletter

I frequently hear from constituents concerned about the false myth of free, lifetime benefits and health care plans for Members of Congress after serving one term, which is not true.  While there are many things in Washington in need of reform and even some of the benefits of Members of Congress need to be looked at, misleading information continues circulating on the Internet and in…

Congressman Griffith’s Weekly E-Newsletter 06.25.12

| Posted in E-Newsletter

Supreme Court Rules on Arizona Immigration Law All eyes have been on the Supreme Court this week as the nation eagerly awaits the Court’s ruling on President Obama’s health care law (commonly referred to as ObamaCare).  On Monday, in another high profile case, the Court handed down its decision on the Arizona immigration law (S.B. 1070).  Though the decision wasn’t clear and…

Griffith Statement on Supreme Court’s Verdict in Arizona Immigration Case

| Posted in Press Releases

Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) released the following statement today after the Supreme Court handed down its decision on the Arizona immigration law, S.B. 1070: “Though the decision wasn’t clear and simple, I am pleased that the Court upheld what I believe to be the heart and soul of the law, the “show me your papers" requirement.  Now that President Obama and his agents at…

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