Griffith Votes to Protect our American Republic
July 30, 2014
Andie Pivarunas
Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) today issued the following statement after voting in favor of a resolution that authorizes the House of Representatives to file suit in an effort compel President Obama to faithfully execute the laws of the land as is required by the Constitution: “I take very seriously the oath I took to support and defend the Constitution, as do many other men and women serving in the House of Representatives. We must protect the prerogatives of the United States House of Representatives, and ensure that the Legislative branch is an equal partner with the Executive branch when it comes to health care policy or other legislative issues. Supporting this resolution, reaffirming the authority of the Legislative branch in the Constitutional lawmaking process, is necessary in order to protect our American Republic.” “I am of the belief that our great American Republic is in a time of struggle. Many of us are troubled by the gradual shift of power to the Executive branch, and by the effect this has on the separation of powers. This shift has been going on for more than 50 years. The current President has accelerated this shift in power at an alarming rate. I and many others have been concerned about President Obama’s executive actions and efforts to circumvent Congress.” “But we are focused in particular on President Obama’s decision, acting alone without Congressional authority, to twice delay the employer mandate – a key provision in Obamacare. I oppose Obamacare, and I oppose this particular provision. Nonetheless, Obamacare was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama, and under the Constitution, it must be ‘faithfully executed’ by the President unless changed by Congress. It does not matter whether I, any other Congressman, or even the President of the United States likes or dislikes the law or any of its provisions. What matters is that the President must ‘faithfully execute’ the law as Constitutionally passed.” “The system of checks and balances established by our Constitution must be protected from encroachments by this President and any and all Presidents to come. It is our sworn duty.” ### |
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