Griffith Statement on DHS Funding Bill
March 3, 2015
Andie Pivarunas
Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) today released the following statement after voting against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appropriations bill that would fund the President’s recent unilateral immigration actions: “Thomas Jefferson was very clear when designing our legislative procedure: each house of Congress will make an independent decision, then will get together in conference to resolve the differences in the chambers’ respective bills or concepts. Sadly, that cannot happen in this circumstance as a result of the unique position of the Senate’s processes and the unwillingness of the Senate Democrats to sit down with us at the negotiating table in order to have this important debate. I cannot support this measure, which I feel would reward the Senate for maintaining the modern filibuster/cloture rule that I believe violates the intent of our Founding Fathers and the democratic principles upon which our republic was based.” ### |
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