Griffith Signs On As Original Cosponsor To Bill Keeping Families United and Accelerating Legal Proceedings at Border
June 28, 2018
Kevin Baird
Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) issued the following statement after signing on as an original cosponsor of H.R. 6204, the Families First Act: “Americans respect both the rule of law and the role of the nuclear family. Our immigration system should reflect these shared national values. That’s why I signed onto the Families First Act as an original cosponsor. It would keep families together as they undergo immigration proceedings, increase the number of judges at the border, and prioritize asylum cases. These changes would reduce the backlog of cases as well as the time between an asylum seeker’s entry into the country and the resolution of his or her case. Implementing these policies would benefit those seeking asylum and our country as a whole.” ### |
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