Griffith Highlights Drop Box for Unused Medications in Alleghany Highlands

Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) issued the following statement regarding the upcoming placement of a permanent medication drop box in the lobby of the Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office:

“Unused medication can be dangerous and is a driver of the opioid crisis. Prescriptions that are filled but not completely used may remain in medicine cabinets, where they can be accessed for inappropriate use or sale.

“Having a designated location in the community to safely dispose of unused medication is a great idea. I commend the sponsors of this new drop box in the Alleghany Highlands and encouraged residents of the community to use it if they have leftover prescription drugs needing disposal.”

The medication drop box is sponsored by the Alleghany County Sheriff’s Office, Alleghany Highlands Healthy Youth Coalition, and Alleghany Highlands Community Services Board. It will be opened on January 16.


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