Griffith Introduces Sexual Assault Victims Protection Act
October 18, 2019
Kevin Baird
Health Care
Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) issued the following statement after introducing the Sexual Assault Victims Protection Act: “We have to do better for sexual assault victims. The bill I have introduced, the Sexual Assault Victims Protection Act, will help. It would establish a task force to identify barriers that now block access to professional assistance, help states improve their ability to gather evidence, and require the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to publicize resources and best practices for responding to sexual assault. By improving the ability to respond to these heinous crimes, we can better support those who suffer from sexual assault.” Background The Virginia General Assembly Joint Commission on Health Care recently found a shortage of qualified nurses and hospitals that provide sexual assault exams in the Commonwealth, sometimes requiring victims to travel for hours for proper care. Griffith sponsored similar legislation last year. ### |
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