Griffith Statement on the Passage of the COVID-19 Origin Act

Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) released the following statement on the passage of the COVID-19 Origin Act, S. 619, by vote in the House of 419-0, which requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19:

“For too long, questions surrounding the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic have gone unanswered. While we were originally told COVID-19 emerged due to a spillover infection from a bat, substantial circumstantial evidence has since convinced me that the pandemic more likely emerged due to a lab-related incident.

“The unanimous passage of this resolution in both the House and Senate indicates that many in Congress are also coming around to that viewpoint.”

The resolution states in part, “(2) there is reason to believe the COVID–19 pandemic may have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

To view the entire text of the COVID Origin Act, click here.


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