Latta, Griffith Statement on Senate Democrats Blocking HALT Fentanyl Act

Today, U.S. Representatives Bob Latta (R-OH) and Morgan Griffith (R-VA) released the following statement after Senate Democrats objected to the passage of the Halt All Lethal Trafficking (HALT) Fentanyl Act, led by Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA):


"It is completely irresponsible that Democrats blocked passage of the HALT Fentanyl Act led in the Senate by Senator Bill Cassidy. Last year, we worked to pass our HALT Fentanyl Act in the House, which received wide bipartisan support. And with the Biden administration signaling its support of this bill, there should be absolutely no hesitation for the Senate to take up the bill and send it to the President’s desk to be signed into law. 


"Here’s the bottom line: we must act now to begin to turn the tide on the fentanyl crisis. Thousands upon thousands of Americans are dying of fentanyl poisonings. In 2022 alone, 73,838 deaths were attributed to fentanyl. We have the ability to help save lives, and the HALT Fentanyl Act is a crucial step in that mission.


"We strongly urge Senate Democrats to reconsider and join us now to curb the fentanyl crisis and save lives."


HALT Fentanyl Act:

The HALT Fentanyl Act addresses the permanent scheduling of fentanyl analogues, which is supported by the Biden administration. Last year, Latta and Griffith's HALT Fentanyl Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives through an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote.



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