Due to the large number of visitors, please request them as early as possible in order to maximize your chances. If you have not received an email confirmation from my Washington, D.C. office within five business days, please call us at 202-225-3861.

For information on sightseeing and attractions, please visit my Washington, DC Tourism Information page.

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Contact Information
Tour Information
Please select each ticket type you would like me to request for you:
Tickets for the White House, U.S. Capitol, FBI Headquarters, and Bureau of Engraving and Printing are free of charge. If my office is unable to secure a congressional tour for the sites you selected, most other sites are available for public tours. Please visit the House visitors guide https://www.house.gov/visitors for information about public tour information for many of the sites in Washington D.C. Admittance is determined by the individual tour site or agency, not by the Congressional office.

White House tours are available on Tuesdays through Saturdays, and the White House Visitor’s Office decides the start time between 9:30 am through 12:30 pm for accepted tours. Congressional tour coordinators can request up to three dates to provide a better chance of acceptance. Tours are around 45 minutes and self-guided. The White House Visitor’s Office contacts those who requested tours 14 to 21 days before the requested date to inform of acceptance or denial, and they provide the date and time of the tour if accepted.

U.S. Capitol tours are available on Mondays through Saturdays, with ticket start times ranging from 8:50 am through 3:20 pm on a first come, first served basis. Group sizes are based on availability.

FBI tours are available on Mondays through Fridays with timed-entry tickets available at 9:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 2:00 pm on a first come, first served basis. Groups are limited to 10 people based on competitive availability.

Bureau of Engraving and Printing tours are available Mondays through Fridays. Tours scheduled through a Congressional office are available year-round at 8:15 am or 8:45 am and additionally 4:00 pm, 4:15 pm, 4:30 pm, and 4:45 pm between late March and Labor Day only. Otherwise, public tour tickets will be distributed daily beginning at 8:00 am on a first-come first-serve basis at the BEPs Tour entrance, located on 14 and C Streets, SW. Public tours tickets are available for 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, and 2 pm. Groups are limited to 10 people based on competitive availability.

White House tickets are extremely limited, and requests must be submitted more than 21 days in advance of the requested tour date. On Sept. 4, 2009, President Obama announced that visitor access records to the White House will be released to the public 90-120 days after a visit. Your full name and the date of your tour will be part of the public record that is released. Your date of birth, Social Security number and all other private information will not be released.
Trip Information

Due to the way Congressional tours are processed in Washington D.C., please only list dates you are available from 7:00 am EST to 5:00 pm EST.

Enter the total number of people in your group (including children).

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