Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 5.26.23

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Tags: Veterans

On May 29th, we honor our fallen service men and women, having died while serving in the United States armed forces. Memorial Day is a chance for all Americans to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made by their fellow citizens, many of whom being friends or family members. With redistricting, the Ninth District has been expanded to include Bedford and Franklin Counties. During this…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 5.19.23

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This year, we recognized May 14-20 as National Police Week. During each National Police Week, we are reminded of what our brave policemen and women face every day. Whether it’s stopping a carjacker or arresting an armed robber, policemen and women put their lives on the line on a daily basis to protect their communities and keep their fellow Americans safe. Unfortunately, in the wake of…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 5.12.23

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I voted in favor of H.R.2, the Secure the Border Act, which has passed the U.S. House of Representatives. House Republicans put forth this legislation in response to the catastrophic situation at our southern border. For years, our nation has experienced massive surges of migrants at our southern border. Experiencing such surges, the Trump Administration implemented a robust immigration…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 5.5.23

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The week of April 24, I chaired two Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearings that are both timely and important to the wellbeing of the public. As chair of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, I have made it a priority to examine all aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how we can learn from it. My jurisdiction overlaps with that of the Select Committee on the…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 4.28.23

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I have long believed that Congress has a responsibility to the American people to “rein in” wasteful and excessive spending. Since joining Congress, I have not voted for a debt ceiling bill that did not include cuts or reforms to our spending practices. When House Republicans established the rules for the 118th Congress earlier this year, I worked to get the Holman Rule included in the…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 4.21.23

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On April 20th, I voted to pass H.R. 734, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023, legislation to ensure that women and girls have a fair playing field in sports by guaranteeing that schools adhere to Title IX’s recognition of biology and genetics of an individual at birth. Title IX was enacted as part of the Education Amendments of 1972 to prohibit sex-based…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 4.14.23

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I want to take a chance to reflect on what I have been working on thus far and what we have accomplished in the House of Representatives. I started this year securing significant changes to the House rules. The Holman rule was reinstituted. It can be used to help control federal spending. I also fought to tighten the House’s interpretation of germaneness, hopefully leading to smaller…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 4.7.23

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This Easter I want to revisit one of my favorite hymns, He Is Risen. Though I’ve shared this one before, the message of He is Risen is enduring and its history fascinating. As any staff member who has ridden in the car with me during the Easter season knows, I love to talk about He Is Risen and about Joachim Neander, who wrote the music. In early April, both Christians and those of the…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 3.31.23

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House Republicans recently passed H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act. By numbering this legislation as H.R. 1, Republicans recognize that unleashing American energy is one of Congress’ top priorities and critical to the wellbeing of the American people and our economy. In 2020, under President Trump, the United States achieved energy independence. According to the U.S. Energy Information…

Congressman Griffith's Weekly E-Newsletter 3.24.23

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Tags: Education

Over the past few years, there has been an alarming trend of parents being forcibly shut out of their children’s education by certain school districts.  I’ve recognized the urgency of correcting this issue. Parents are the people primarily responsible for directing their children’s education and they have rights. That’s why I voted in favor of H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights…

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